
27 mar. 2008

HELLISH ROCK 2007-2008

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16 mar. 2008

HELLISH ROCK 2007/2008

Miércoles 30 de abril de 2008. 6:00pm
Preventa hasta 31 de marzo
VIP S/. 254.00
Preferencia S/. 204.00
General S/. 124.00

13 mar. 2008

...del blog de sonata arctica :D

We left the hotel in the afternoon. Outside the hotel there were both our fans and Deep Purple fans. Well, a new day, a new band and fans, right? :-) The flight was about 4 hours to Lima. When we got there, the photo/ autograph-“rumba” was on again…It started to be really late so when we got to the hotel we just ate a little something. Then to sleep..Once again, waiting for tomorrow…

when...Breakfast time was already over, so I just ordered somekind of sandwich to my room. After the sound check we were supposed to go shopping a little bit, but since the hotel was right next to the venue we thought we couldn´t go without disturbance…So the day went by staying at the hotel. No complains about the gig. After the show we sneaked out back to the hotel. If we would have stayed signing we were told that we might not get away from there alive..Maybe this is a little bit overrated but anyway, there were so many eager fans. Our promoter from Peru gave us some tickets and posters from the fans so we autographed them at the hotel´s restaurant. We were taken good care in Peru. Our laundry was washed and there were cold drinks available all the time even at the hotel and in cars. Thank you Peru for being so kind and generous! See you next time!

6 mar. 2008


El concierto stubo chevere aun k los grupos teloneros no staban muy a la altura (el primero naa k ver y el segundo se defendio con covers buenos :D) a la llegada de sonata todo chevere tocando las canciones de su nuevo albumb y otras conocidas (aun k todos ubieran kerido saber k hablaban , solo respondian yeahh!! XD). aki les dejo las fotos :D